OLPC El Salvador Begins with 400 XO-Empowered Students


Thanks to El Salvador's "Cerrando la Brecha del Conocimiento" program through the Ministry of Education and Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador, 400 primary school students in 5 public schools in the northern department of Chalatenango now have XO laptops. David Cruz celebrated the event by creating this video:

According to AFP, the Minsitry of Education is not stopping with 5 schools. In the first half of 2011, it will distribute at least 77,000 XO laptops to primary school students from 411 public schools, and in four year's time, 800,000 primary school students will have their own XO at a cost of $246.2 million US dollars.

Are you wondering what kind of impact this investment might have on education? Then watch this video and learn from a XO-empowered student herself:


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