Automatic backlight dimming on the OLPC XO-1.75


Resumen en español al final del artículo

Last week Martin Langhoff (OLPC Association's Senior Software Architect and Technical Director) posted a short comment and photo over on Google+ describing his favourite XO-1.75 feature of the week. As it turns out OLPC added a light-sensor to the XO-1.75 and when the laptop detects that it's in the sun it automatically dims the display's backlight. Not only does this conserve power but it also exposes the display's gorgeous and high-resolution reflective mode.

Needless to say that I had to try this right away and as you can see in the short video below I didn't let the lack of sunlight get in my way.

Beyond this particular feature the XO-1.75 has generally impressed me in the short time I've had to play around with it. Contrary to what I wrote last June I now certainly am excited about this new hardware revision. It also seems like my remarks about the switch to an ARM processor only yielding a modest increase in battery life compared to the XO-1.5 were quite off. With the weather forecast promising nice spring weather I'm very tempted to see how long the battery lasts by working with the XO-1.75 in the park this weekend.

Resumen en español: En este vídeo corto les presento lo que Martin Langhoff (Arquitecto de Software y Director Técnico de la OLPC Association) llamó su característica favorita de la semana en cuanto al XO-1.75. Resulta que OLPC añadió un sensor de luz al XO-1.75 y cuando la maquina detecta que está en el sol atenúa la luz de la pantalla. Esto no sólo ahorra energía, sino también expone el modo reflexivo de la pantalla en toda su grandeza y alta resolución.


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If you use the 1.75 in the park please send me your powerd logs. ~/olcp/power-logs/*


Since a cold kept me inside most of the weekend I'll have to wait for another opportunity to do some testing in the park...
