Uruguayan Holiday Fun: Taking XOs to Museums and the Zoo


Resumen en español al final del artículo

Now that the summer holidays are also well underway at Austrian schools newspapers and magazines are full with articles about how parents can keep their children busy and entertained during these 9 weeks. Soccer camps, computer camps, urban gardening sessions, and visits with the local fire brigade are some of the activities which are available.

Montevideo of the children

Parents in Uruguay's capital Montevideo who are currently in a similar situation due to winter vacation presumably face similar choices. However additionally their children can now also participate in a range of activities where they can take their XOs to museums, the zoo, the botanical gardens, and the planetarium. As part of an initiative called Montevideo de los niños (Montevideo of the children) the city of Montevideo and Plan Ceibal developed a series of events and activities which integrate the laptops with the aforementioned institutions.

The program (only available in Spanish) lists about a dozen offers which include:

  • Come to the (Museum) Blanes with your XO. Today you're the artists!
  • A day in the ice age. Workshop about megafauna with your XO.
  • The sky is within the reach of your XO.
  • Around the World with 80 trees.
  • Robotics and sensors workshop.

To me Montevideo of the children is an excellent example of just how far Plan Ceibal has already come in terms of providing a whole new dimension of technology supported learning in Uruguay.

Resumen en español: Para las vacaciones de invierno en Uruguay la Intendencia de Montevideo y Plan Ceibal desarrollaron una iniciativa llamada Montevideo de los niños. Ofrece una selección de actividades y talleres donde se integran los XO con instituciones como museos, el zoo, el jardín botánico, y el planetario. Para mí Montevideo de los niños es un excelente ejemplo de lo lejos que el Plan Ceibal ya ha llegado en términos de proporcionar una nueva dimensión del aprendizaje apoyado por la tecnología en el Uruguay.


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